I believe I also removed a bit more security here than that that made the engine less strict about certain header values that are to be calculated. map files, which, at times, would give you a dirty disc error, because the engine is really picky. map files, All armor is always unlocked(properly), alot more security removed from. This tool will auto detect if the XEX you opened is not a clean one, and will not proceed if it isn't.
So if you have an update for Halo 3/ODST, you might want to clear your cache so that the update does not try reapplying ontop of the already patched executable, or it does not interfere with Halo 3 1.0, and etc. so this package will contain Halo 3 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and Halo 3 ODST. Note: These executables have already been patched with updates. map files in Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST, which was not possible prior to XBReboot because Bungie had implemented RSA checks. This bundle of hacked halo 3 executables will allow you to run your modified. DO NOT UTILIZE THIS ON XBOX LIVE, OR ANY SERVICE THAT DOES NOT ALLOW MODIFICATIONS OF GAMES/CONTENT. By Xenon.7(DeToX) & Anthony.ĭO NOT CHEAT. H3Unlock - A tool to remove security checks from your Halo 3 & Halo 3 ODST executables.